
Feb 21-27th

Feb 21- This morning we met as a church, opened with prayer and worship in Hindi, and took communion together. The pastor was back this week and spoke about judging others. He quoted Momma T… "if we are busy spending time judging others, we miss out on time to love them. We are ambassadors of Christ: we speak for our King and His Kingdom. We are to look like Him (not only having pieces of our lives mirroring His--rather our whole lives should be like His). Abide. After church ended, chai and biscuits were served (and enjoyed) outside while we were able to talk with some of the people that came to the service. I got to talk briefly with Momma Dee, Thomas, and Amy. The puppies were out making the little kiddies run around and spill their chai, so then the puppies spent the rest of the time licking up the spilled chai and crushed biscuits. Ashley and I then ran to the market to grab soup mixes for lunch. We also saw Elias Sir in the market, and he said "You're done with the mural tomorrow, ok?" Yikes! I still have a good bit to, but hopefully I can finish that this week!

Busy busy hosting day :) By far, India is the most hospitable place I've ever been in, and boy are we getting good practice in the first few weeks of being here. A lot of our ministry here is building relationships, and in this hospitable culture… it makes things really easy to have people over for just about every meal! After church, pastor and his wife came over for lunch and they stayed to talk with us about their very interesting time in Delhi & their family's dependance on Him during that trip! He is so good and it's amazing to hear how He takes care of His children in every situation. After we prayed together, and as they were saying goodbye, Bonita came in to see what ingredients we had for cooking some Indian dishes together later on this week with her & her husband (Thomas). She stayed and chatted for a while about spice combinations, dal soaking/cooking instructions, and other misc. tips on cooking in India. We look forward to having them over on Tuesday evening! I got the dishes washed up from lunch and headed up-stairs to catch the end of the sunlight for finishing up my reading in "Life Together." Dr. Phillip stopped by to drop off a chocolate cake for our group, and we decided to make icing for it and crumble Oreo's onto too, to eat after dinner (of course)! We three girls ran and dropped off brownies at Dennis and Cheryl's apartment for Dennis' birthday. He showed off the crocheted hat that Cheryl made for him--so precious--and they introduced us to his younger brother Allen who came in to visit on his holiday. Dinner was home-made personal pizzas (on pita bread with assorted toppings in the toaster oven) & was quite tasty indeed. Dr. Phillip stopped by when the whole group was together again and chatted about upcoming events on campus, in the hospital, about his wife's current trip in the states, etc--he's such a fun guy! Next, we had our family Bruchko discussion tonight--which went well, and it included some pretty interesting convo's about unreached people groups and views on 'community' and it's support. Guess what was next? Yup! We ate the cake--yes we did! Next we had a family meeting about the upcoming week--much much to do is so very exciting! We headed upstairs and jumped into our beds quickly. TII & PTL

Feb 22- Back to the school again today to get some work done on the mural. We met at 930 for devotions with the teachers, sang a few hindi songs, and listened to the Word. Brother Georgie spoke about how the tongue is a very small part of us, but can be used for so much evil, if we don't allow Christ to take control of our hearts (from where our tongue draws its ideas). He explained that we can use the same mouth to sing praises one minute, and curse our brother in the next, and encouraged us to check our attitudes and control our words. Got the tree mapped out, and 1/3 of the tree finished! Lunch at the mess at 130. Wrote my book report for Life Together. Also, I've been reading through Ester in my spare time. Next, we headed over to the pastor and his family's home that evening for dinner. We were able to watch him cook dahl, chapatis, and chicken (which is a whole different ball game in India). He shared with us about the joys of his being able to serve here. There aren't enough words, or enough time for me to even explain all the things that the Lord is doing in this city--you would not even believe if I told you, only because it's so hard for me even to believe… even when I'm living here! Be encouraged, pray for your ministry to increase wherever He takes you in your daily routine, and know that He will work through you… your part: be willing :) TII & PTL

Feb 23- Most mornings I wake up around 530 having to pee (T.M.I… yea yea, whatever, you know it happens to you too), but I never want to get up--to be honest I'm scared that we might have a little friend that's living in the bathroom and may be waiting for the most opportune time for me to open the door, but never-the-less I pull myself out from underneath the mound of covers that I've accumulated. Bucket baths are still something that I'm getting used to as well. Power goes on & off everyday, this morning twice while I was getting ready to head to the school. Devotions with the teachers/administrators at 930 again. Afterwards, they had a small open discussion about class leadership, and I had the opportunity to share a suggestion with them and they seemed very positive about it. I think everyone was surprised that I spoke up, even me. Stayed later than usual in the afternoon until about 4, to finish painting the bark of the tree. Cleaning up with kerosine is still hilarious to me. I headed back to the room to read for a bit, and went back down to the tree house to wait for Thomas, Bonita, and Steve to join us for dinner. Power was still out & the sun went down. Candles were lit and cooking began. We talked to Steve about what he does here, and he said "I just love people, I don't really do anything. I live with some locals in a village up the road, fix things once in a while, but mostly just hang around town and talk to people. " He said that his first year here (he's been here for about 4 years now) that he was feeling a lot like I did in the first few weeks here, worthless just sitting around and chatting, but he said that even if we stay busy it really doesn't affect india or the people here. Granted, I knew all of this, but it was nice to hear it from another person's (an outsider, yet a local) perspective. He advised not to miss out on just making friends and ministering by just living… living like Christ. I realize more and more everyday that I don't have anything to offer to the people here… no skill set, or great practical advice, just Christ, and I have to trust His plan in this. It's so hard for me to be so uncertain about the "what's next details," but I'm learning to wait on Him--He will provide every opportunity--we don't even have to go looking for it! Our other guests, Thomas & Bonita, taught us how to cook a traditional Indian dahl--we're learning slowly but surely (& hopefully sooner rather than later) we will achieve this goal! Also I now eat with my hand (culturally you can only use your right hand)… even rice and beans, which is probably the most difficult thing to eat here! Over dinner, I learned that Thomas is an IT guy on campus, so I got to chat with him about design and coding a bit--so cool to know the same designer language! Everyone here trusts Christ so much, and it is so evident in their lives, even without them speaking His name… I can tell how much love they have for Christ and to see His people forgiven. They just live and breathe it. TII & PTL

Feb 24- We skipped out on our internships today to travel to Neha's village. We walked up through the market to our shared taxi ride (about 10 people in a jeep) for a whopping 10Rs. a person (1 US $=about 50 Rs). We endured about a 20 minute ride through a few towns and up a mountain. We were dropped at Bhang. Neha met us there, and we had to walk through a rocky valley to reach her village Goshal. We met her family, and talked for a while, had tea while chopping onions and ginger for lunch prep. I walked with Neha and her sisters to greet her father back at Bhang. We then walked back to the house, and sat up stairs watching Krishna, Neha's aunt and their house helper, make dinner. Through her 3 phrases in English and my three phrases in Hindi, it we fun getting to know her. She let me help make Putti (like chapati, only fried). We ate, and spent more time talking together (girls ate with girls, and boys after we left the kitchen). Jess and I were able to talk with Neha and her mom for a bit longer, then we hiked up through Neha's village to a waterfall. We walked back down and passed a celebration at one of the temples--this was 'ending ceremony' of the last day of a month (or two) that this village did not use any electricity, couldn't sing songs/play music, ect. They celebrated with gathering together to enjoy local music. Please pray that these people won't be bound in darkness any longer by their beliefs and fearing of their gods. TII & PTL

Feb 25th- Paint GALORE! Neither have I ever seen paint drip so fervently, nor have I ever known so many people to need artsy projects completed in so little time! India loves them some art… I tell you what [not that I mind one bit :)] ! That preface aside, this morning began like most others, bucket bath as fast as possible, some good Word, some good breakfast, and back to the school for devotions with the staff at 930 (with english praise songs reminding me of the good old days--so so good). Krishna Sir gave the devotion for the day, in Hindi, which is such a blessing to hear an Indian believer share about the Lord's work in his life in his own language! I have no clue as to what he was saying, (no one was interpreting today) but I recognized a reoccurring word: sounds like Propbogee (which I asked asked for the meaning of & it means Christ Jesus, Lord). I saw smile after smile stretch across his face and tears fill his eyes as he spoke. After praying, teachers all went their separate ways and likewise I to continue the painting on the library wall. The paint dripped lots, but I got two coats of yellow done, a few stray leaves, and some polka dots! Hopefully, it won't drip too much more tonight! Taking tea at "eleven five", as usual… tasted of Fruit Loops (Matt was right). Back to the wall until 4, then my usual battle/clean-up with kerosine (I smell of kerosine by day and curry by night… you just can't stop India of smelling amazing)! On the way back to the house, I was stopped by two more administrators asking me to complete two more artsy projects. Also, Dr. Phillip is interested in a new logo design for the hospital's ambulance vehicles! Ever so exciting! I came home to the boys netting the skylight to keep Ratatouille and his gang out. Next, were our Hindi lessons at 5… which were very tough, but it was helpful to pick up a few conversational phrases! Quesadillas (yes, with home-made flour tortillas and filled with black dahl, corn, and cheese) for dinner followed by a very american game of phase10 was the close to our chilly, chilly, 'family night' in the Himalayan mountains. Good night honking horns and barking dogs; tomorrow we meet again! TII & PTL

Feb 26th- TGIT (not to be confused with tea'jit--which by the way i'm now adding to my vocabulary): Thank Goodness It's Today… a day of finishing things up. Friday, the finish of the week, brought another load of laundry to be done before breakfast, devotion with the teachers and administrators, and the finish of the mural (though drippy--they still seemed to love it). While waiting in the Out Patient room to meet with Dr. Phillip about the logo project, Dr. Phillipa (our Australian neighbor!) and I chatted about her stay/work in Manali. Dr. Phillip then explained what work he needed for a logo adjustment and the design of their new ambulance! I'm so excited to be able to help their staff in this project! Headed back to the room, finished the affair mentioned logo, read for a bit, then headed to the market to pick up our staples (flour, sugar, butter, eggs, milk, bread, bananas, dish and laundry soap--just to give you an idea). The family decided to head to Mayur for dinner--which was a meal full of laughter! Mid-chatter the power went out again and the staff scrambled for matches and candles, only to have the power back on again after a frantic 2 minutes of complete darkness. About 15 minutes later, there was a sonic boom outside, bringing shock to the other guests in the restaurant and a light jog to the feet of the people outside. We think it was a fire-cracker, but no one really knows for sure… we walked back to the house, a bit nervous but more entertained that all of the locals shrugged it off so quickly! TII & PTL

Feb 27th- It rained all night--which was our first rain in Manali! It's about 10 am, and I've now read a bit, posted a few more pictures (and more to come), and I'm currently finishing the blog up for this week. Today will be a day of reading (which I'm still working on "Bruchko," and have now picked up "The Mark of the Christian" by Schaeffer, too), house cleaning, our usual run to the market, cooking (the only reason that I keep including details about food/cooking here is because it always takes up a large portion of our day… the search for ingredients, the prep. time, and even cooking time just takes longer here--even boiling times are different!). We're looking forward to having Grant & Charlene join us this week!! Next blog update, and mass picture load scheduled for next Sat. morning. Keep me posted please :) TII & PTL


Feb 13-20th!!

Feb 13th- The family slept a little later today to help rid ourselves of the impending snowed-in/still jet-lagged illnesses. At breakfast I almost poured heavy cream into my cereal instead of milk (similar containers with sanscrit labels… they'll get you every time) then read a bit of Living Together by Bonhoeffer. We cleaned up the TreeHouse and went to the market to get bread, eggs, tomato puree, zucchini, and spices (no luck with spices--because they sometimes don't have western equivalents and other times don't know the english names of them).
While in the market, a few young girls followed us the entire way asking for money, bananas, and chapatis (local style of bread). It is so tough to figure out how we should compassionately and wisely act in these situations. This is one of the toughest recurring things in India to adjust to--please continue to keep us in your prayers for this specifically.
We came back and got some daily chores done: firewood from the wood shed on campus, water from the campus filter, and started baking (today we made Indian chocolate chip cookies--which was more like a cookie cake/blondie browny pan and texture wise was a bit gritty (because sugar, to our surprise, is only sold in the raw form). Neha's mom came by and we served her chai and "biscuits" (nom cookies). Minutes after her departure Momma Dee (one of the leaders at the children's home) and Bula Ma'am (school principal) stopped by to say "hello". The girls then made fried rice with zucchini, onions, ginger, and soy sauce for lunch. Water stopped running from 430pm-730pm. Power went out around 8pm for a few minutes, but we had just finished eating dinner and our cookie-cake (baked in 9x9in. pan in toaster oven).
Before bed, I was able to talk to my family, Stephen, and Cor. for a few minutes :) And yes it's true, the first few days I cried lots--being overwhelmed most nights when talking to friends and family at home. I didn't (and still don't) want to be a burden or emotional strain, but I really miss normalcy. I want to serve genuinely and joyfully, but my heart hurts sometimes making it hard to hear His peace and love. Everything seems so much more difficult when you don't know much about anything, and you're surrounded by it constantly.
Don't be mad that I ended on a sad note--better days (more productive ones-thank goodness!) are a'comin. I promise :) TII

Feb 14th- We went to church this morning and the pastor was in Delhi, so VJ spoke about being hidden in Christ (Col. 3). He said "We can trust Christ and we don't have to worry." This simple message is something that we misuse and over-use all the time. But he's right--we can trust Him. He knows us best, and knows what's best for us.
I met a few girls after church, both named Amy! Neha and her sisters then came over for lunch at the house--very fun getting to know them! I think they're still shy though, because they understand us when we speak english, but they still use Neha to translate their Hindi for us :) But they're so fun!! After lunch we did more chores and reading.
Also… the family found out that I'm not the biggest fan of my b-day and India doesn't celebrate Valentine's Day, so they decided to trick me by going out that night for v-day (surpass b-day) dinner. We ate at Johnson's restaurant (our group ordered things like: spinach lasagna, spaghetti, raviolis, trout, and sun-dried tomato sweet corn and jalapeno pizza). T'was a wonderful evening of laughter (partly because #1 we had to out-run Johnson's Lodge restaurant's staff which is conveniently next door with the same name, who we initially called to make a reservation with and ended up seeing the owner on the way there-confirming our seats, but we ended up eating at the other Johnson's restaurant and everyone who came in the door looked like the owners from the next restaurant looking for us {yikes} AND #2 the ultra-party-rave music playing the whole evening!). We also ordered cake & homemade ice-cream for dessert--which was also gritty? TII

Feb 15th- I snuck downstairs and made french toast for the girls still in bed and those awake in the tree house. Ashley had 'happy birthday' posters and signs posted everywhere! Such a special birthday surprise :)
However, it was another rough morning and evening for me. Every day, when the sun is out, and I become so busy with maintaining the house or cooking, I usually forget how much I miss home. But after talking to friends/family from home again I remember how much I miss them and desire to be there with them. It's hardest for me to just sit still here--which is really tough to do when you don't have tasks assigned (other than the daily chores) yet. I feel like I should be doing something, serving someone, or actively goingoinggoing… instead of building the foundational relationships with those I live with. Not doing anything for the community around us, made me thing twice about even being here.
After sneaking up prayers though home-sick tears and shivering under covers again, I know the Lord changed my heart. His words breathed life into me. A reminder of Him calming the storm for the disciples was heavy on my heart. After falling asleep, thinking about that story and praising Him for knowing and taking care of details, I woke up to the sound of the dogs barking and fighting outside (as always) around 3am. And just as I began to become frustrated again, I heard our next door neighbor step outside and all he said was "hush" in a very calm voice. The dogs stopped and I fell right back to sleep. How parallel is the Lord's hush in the craziness of our lives--His peace is in His perfect timing. I knew this we something that I had to share (His love and provision is too good not to share), but I had no idea how soon that the opportunity to do that would arise. TII

Feb 16th- Today was the best day, by far. Waking up feeling much like I have other mornings--cold (about 12 degrees Celcius in our room) and weary about bucket baths, I quickly remembered what the Lord taught me the night before and I jumped out of bed. I got downstairs and had breakfast, and read for a bit. Justin, Kevin, Ashley, and I headed over to the school to meet the teachers and Elias (one of the administrators) for tea. We had a bit of lunch with them too (fried momo's {which are dumplings} with spinach inside and spicy sauce on top followed by some fancy little cake things), and brainstormed about some of the projects that we could start doing for the school before the March Session starts for students. It was decided that Kevin would be drafting up a script for a school play about the history of the school (this is their jubilee year, the 25th year anniversary) and I will be working on paintings in the library. It was so nice just to be able to hear about the teachers' desires to minister to the kids through teaching. We took a look at the library, gathered up the clean laundry for the house from the clothes line, and went back to the tree house to hang out while the others ate lunch.
Next, we prepared a program for the children's home including some games, songs, and a devotion. Guess who was given the opportunity to share about the Lord's calming the storm? We got to the house after a rocky and brisk auto-rick ride UP our Himalayan mountain, and had tea with Auntie and Momma Dee, before we met the kids. They shared with us about some of the children's family situations {or lack there of )-: } as well as the history of that home. She explained that she had many many years of persecution for starting this home, but that she knew that it was the Lord's plan for her to continue in this work--no matter how difficult it may be to be obedient. She said "if I live, i know that it's His best for me, and if I die, I know that it's His best for me". How much faith she has! I was great to spent some time getting to know them.
Walking from that warm meeting room to the auditorium where we would be having our "program," we saw many kids stick their heads out of their windows watching us and waving. We got to the room and played a bunch of games, sang a few songs, and I shared what the Lord had just taught/reminded me about calming the storms. I'm not a great communicator or the teaching type at all, but I know that He had his reasons for each of those events… in that order.
We came back to the house smiling the entire way down the mountain (Ashley pretended to drive the jeep-sitting in the front left passenger seat). Casey and Kevin prepared a bean chili and cheesy bread for dinner! We enjoyed dinner and a skype-bible-study with Matt Orth about the "kingdom." TII

Feb 17th- Went to the school again today, and came up with mural concept of a tree scene to be painted in the library--which was based on colors/patterns from the children's book "Good-Night, Owl." Went to the market with Casey and Kevin to stock the pantry for the week's dinners. Dennis and Sheryll came over for dinner (Ashley and I made bean burgers… really spicy and tough beans--still trying to figure beans in India out) and brownies. TII

Feb 18th- Thursday is Malaria pill day… we have no mosquitos yet, still 17*C in our city and…. sometimes colder inside (because of the lack of sun exposure on our apt).
Went to the school at 9am, found Elias Sir and met with the teachers for a devotion given by VJ (who spoke about Jacob's struggle with God & how Jacob was searching for all the blessings, even Esaus' and was never satisfied with anything. VJ went onto explain that in Jacob's wrestle with the Lord's messenger, for Jacob to say his name (which means 'deceiver') meant that he was admitting his faults and failures, and accepting his new name allowed a change of character for him… letting go of his old self and putting on his new person in the Lord, being completely satisfied by everything that the Lord provided for him. The variety in attitudes towards this devotional time for the teachers (every morning before their lesson planning/preparation for the next school session) is so similar to that which I see in the states. Some of the teachers fell asleep, and some were preoccupied with twisting their spectacles into a level submission, but some were intently focused on what the Lord was saying through his servant VJ. What a blessing it was for me to sit and listen to the word of God being preached in a school, with educators, in a closed country. We sang "As the Deer." Even though it can be considered a cheesy song, there is so much biblical truth tucked away in those lyrics, it's hard for me not to appreciate every ounce of that song, now… after hearing and singing in agreement with those teachers lifting up those words as a personal prayer to long after Him.
After the devotion time, I acquired the key for access to the library, found an overhead projector in the biology department that the teachers let me borrow for sketching the mural concept onto the wall. Tea time at 11am (everyday) included chai (always!) and mom's (dumplings--today more like pot stickers with a spicy steamed cabbage inside) with a spicier dipping sauce on the side… and a small red biscuit/cake looking lump (to cut the spice--which really was very sweet and had almond slices in it too). VJ sat with us during tea time, and we talked about the devotion that he shared that morning, his role in the school, and his educational background. We appreciate his friendship very much already! What a help and encouragement he has been! We finished up in the library after tea, by my deciding on colors for the wall art. Krishna, Elias Sir's assistant showed us the stock of paints that they already had in store downstairs and requested a list of what other materials I would need to complete the mural. He was back with the materials by 1pm--our time to leave for the day as well as his break for lunch which was perfect timing.
Grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch (compliments of the Brock Cafe in our tree house). Next we hiked up, though Old Manali to Monu Temple. This part of town includes very traditional Hindu people who are living in the shadow of religious lies. We saw a few grammas hiding behind a bunker of snow (unmelted snow that was pushed to the side of the road so autos could get up the mountain) and were throwing snowballs at kids and other touring passer-bys (our group included) we spent a few minutes with them, playing and taking pictures! We reached the intended overlook destination (only 1/3 of the way our Himalayan mountain) and prayed over the city that we will be serving in. It was a beautiful sight with miles and miles of snow capped mountains all around and a valley teaming with houses,shops, orchards, and patches of dense forests, but at the same time an intimidating view of a world that has still yet to see the truth behind the beauty of the wold that they live in. How can they not see God, though His beautiful creation. We, as people, take so much for granted!
We hiked back down the mountain, praying for those we passed, and the group split (some to go back to the house and begin preparing for dinner, and J&J and I to head to the market to get a few items). We also spent a few hours at Mayur, having coffee and butter and cheese naan. A warm, cozy restaurant was a perfect place for a review of the time we've had here so far. I learn a lot from Auntie and Unckie J&J. Their joy for the Lord and one another is so encouraging and a good reminder of home :) Came back home and had Casey & Kevin's taco soup--including beans, corn, taco seasoning, cilantro, and chapatis on the side! Ashley whipped up another dessert recipe with Justin (while we all danced to Owl City) and we had peanut butter cookies with hershey kisses on top after our dinner. And some left over batter went into making Nutella lava cakes. Yum. We watched a few episodes of the Office by using the house computer and projector--for our Family Fun night activity. Headed up to bed, got a chance to talk to momma and Stephen for a bit!! TII

Feb 19th- Met the teachers at the school again for devotions in the morning and started the painting part of the mural--which has a very messy clean-up process (because the paints are oil-based, we use kerosine to clean off brushes and mixing trays).
Headed to the mess (where the hospital staff and outpatient families eat meals. also Indians eat with their hands--we stick out like sore thumbs using utensils… maybe one day we'll learn) and saw some friends there--good to talk to familiar faces that live on campus during lunch--which was rice and spicy daal (beans) and spicy cauliflower (osososo good=fave).
After lunch I had more chances to talk to friends and family from home as well as getting some more reading done.
Sent J&J on a date night, and we four kids went out to Johnson's again, but decided on the German Bakery for desserts and coffee instead--which was a good choice indeed--including good chatter and laughter. Made momma proud by coming back to the room and watching an episode of House (american TV shows--what a treat in such a foreign land). TII

Feb 20th- Free day, Saturday… meaning chore and reading day :) There was absolutely beautiful, warm, sunshine today!! I spent most of the morning doing laundry and reading in the shade of the clean laundry on the clothes line. What a blessing it is to have the privilege of cleaning clothes. Still reading Living Together, and read a few more chapters of Bruchko, and had some good laughs with Neha in between paragraphs.
Got the room cleaned up and organized. Next, we three girls headed to the market to get our staples: 1kg of flour, 1kg of sugar (yay), bananas, milk, 2 kg's of potatoes, zucchini, cheese, and cereal (which reminds me… we're running out of tomatoes & will need to pick up more tomorrow because our sneaky pet {Ratilltoui} keeps munching on ours--also we set another trap for him tonight--hopefully we can free him off-campus tomorrow!!). While in the market, we also stopped by the seamstress (which was actually a sir… so seamsir?… i dunno) to have Justin's new scarf altered. More kids followed us, poking us, today asking for money--which is still just as heart wrenching as the first time and that will never change :(
We came back and decided on breakfast for dinner (proud to say is one of my poppa's favorite choices & mine, too). Ashley and I made banana & walnut pancakes and scrambled eggs. Tasty treats indeed. Everyone decided on watching more episodes of the Office again tonight and I was writing/editing all of this. Also… snow is almost completely melted (with the exception of the huge piles from shoveled/tractor'ed streets). TII


Different Days Indeed

(kurta & dupata: full garb for our casual days!)

I know... I know... I haven't updated this blog at all! Please forgive me for the delay!

Here's a rundown of some of the highlights and lowlights too:
-Over a few days of training, before leaving the states, we discussed the meaning and importance of community and discipleship.
-Our travels included a 2 hour flight, 2 hour layover, 7 hour flight, 2 hour layover, another 7-8 hour flight, and a crazy taxi drive in the middle of the night to our hotel. We had a few hours of sleep and then spent two days in Delhi (including auto-Rickshaw rides, visiting the Red Fort, McDonalds & Pizza Hut meals, and a little bit of bartering with merchants). Then we packed up our things and spent 12 hours on a bus going to our town, then spent 4 more hours trying to travel the last 3-5 km. down the road to get to our house (because of the snow fall-in total 3.5 feet of snow).
-Peach-O's (or we say PeaJoes) have been a very big part of my life this past week and a 1/2. American delicacy!
-Because of the snow things have been interesting... sometimes we don't have power, our water source was frozen for a day or two, and we've evidently been using a broken propane tank/hose to cook our meals... until we ran out of that and had to cook over our tunder (or Tammy, as we call her-which is a wood-powered heater in our living space). We've come to the conclusion that it's like camping with a roof.
-We met a friend in the village who has helped to teach us the ropes as far as cooking and getting what we need from the market. A 15 year-old believer. She's now teaching Ashley how to knit!
-Our team was invited to a sweet, sweet time of fellowship, worship, and bible study with some of the community members. We sang Amazing Grace, Be Thou My Vision, and I'll Stand In Awe of You and studied parts of Genesis, Romans, and 2 Cor.
-Now that we're settling in, we're trying to organize the house, learn how to cook more, and blend with the culture.
-I've already learned so much... even how to bob my head for 'yes' instead of nodding.
-In the next few days I will be reading Life Together, by Bonhoeffer. If you're interested, read it with me!!

Hopefully I will have an update weekly (if not more often).

We know that all the things we have are a blessing and a gift from Him, and it has all been in His perfect timing. We are so thankful! Thank you for your thoughts and encouraging messages :)


A Lovin' We Will Go

I'm praying still that in my last few days of preparation for the things to come (in India) that I am not missing His will for today. It's easy to lose focus on current needs when we are looking forward to other things. I find that Satan can easily entangle our hearts with the details (things that we can trust the Lord has already taken care of) if we let him.

Woulda', coulda', shoulda' doesn't really have any importance any more. In my fear and nervous belly aches, in my anticipation and my excitement I could be focusing on things that I should have done differently leading up to this point, but instead I find more of a need, in my heart, for building love continually and learning to share that.

This week, I've been learning through Psalms that He is above all, and in all, and through all. The Lord has gone before us in all that we do, preparing the way for us and we are just called to catch up. We can be glad and remain unshaken because we know that He will make known to us the path of life. I take courage in knowing that He accomplishes what concerns us (Ps. 138:8)! He knows best--and He loves us so much that He is willing to care for even the things that we consider insignificant.

Lord, let me learn Your love & a lovin' I will go.

Please continue to lift up our team in prayer as we plan to head out in the next few days!


Simply Bebecha

Well, I'm absolutely captivated by Bebecha's work. 

I've, on two separate occasions, ordered sets of earrings from their website and have been so happy with everything. The speed in delivery is great, not to mention if you've ordered 3 pairs, your fourth generally comes free with the order ;) So if your mother, sister, cousin, girlfriend, or next-door neighbor is looking for some rock-awesome earrings, check out www.facebook.com/bebechagifts or search for 'Bebecha' on etsy.com. You'll be happy about this.

|| photography by laura ||


much to my dismay...

i've grown older
and not much wiser at that
brains are, though for not a second longer,
spoken for physically
their condition is
no more brighter than before
i've acquired less common sense
in the past
year alone
than that of
the previous decade and a half
of my life
my creative thoughts have dwindled to
the empty thread bobs
that they are
though shining with silver,
their spools have not a thread of company
nor do they host a whole
bolt of fabric so intricately woven
to the Master's perfection
the bobs rest alone, these days
my brain has ceased
to create
anything save
wasted space in this
grey matter is all

|| outta me melon || circa January 28, 2006 || 


Brain Drain

Ne'er have I harbored so much hatred in my heart for so long a time. The most insignificant crumbs of this emotion seems to burn me up. I can't shake it. 

All I need to see is His love, above all.

Dear Laura, get over yourself. Get over this.


Deer Park vs. Aquafina

Living in America, things are readily available to us, especially those which matter most... things like food, water, and clothing. The resources essential to our daily living can be found most anywhere and usually with endless options (admit it, most days, our biggest struggle is one of deciding on which restaurant to eat at). It hasn't always been that way for everyone. Sometimes I have to remind myself of that.

Today I was reminded of that. 

John 4. I used to think that maybe the reason that I was so drawn to this story is because the concept is was foreign to me, and the details are more like those from a headlining novel-it's simply something that doesn't have to be grasped, it's just good leisurely reading. It doesn't seem to prod my life and require much movement. Perhaps the fact that it's not something that I have to deal with on a daily basis, makes its fairy tail essence leave a sense of hope that lingers for others' sake. 

This morning I saw something different in the words. This morning I'm even more bewildered at His compassionate love for the human race, bar none. Just by a simple coversation with one woman years and years ago, He was able to show us so many things. He overstepped His boundaries in position, in safety, and in spite of other's jeering snarls just to love.

And the poor girl, she was thought she was just going through another run of the mill day. This was just another chore for her. Little did she know she would find and cling to real hope and love that day.

She knew thirst alright. Walking to a well suggests that she didn't have water readily available to her, and in vs 11 we know that it takes some effort to draw water up from a deep well. Water is heavy, too. I'm sure carrying buckets back to the house took a great deal of strength, and if nothing else it took sheer dedication. Needless to say, she had quite the struggle ahead of her just for a drink of water.

We are familiar with thirst too, despite our complicatedly convenient living conditions. Our thirst, though seemingly different from hers, is in fact exactly the same. We thirst for Him. We need Him. Our thirst and need for Him is great even today, and wether or not we identify that need as a need for Him now or later, it still exists. He should be our first stop on a daily basis; not as an obligating errand, but as to fulfill a desirable need. He desires to meet with us.

He spotted her physical and spiritual needs from miles off, in fact He anticipated them so much that He had already prepared a place on the cross to take care of them.

So when it comes down to it... brand-name bottled water has got nothing on Him.



Pulling the covers nearer to my chin, I
wrestled more with the idea of 'what if'
and less with the bedding that just wouldn't.

"Utter uselessness," I think I mumbled aloud.
For an hour, at most, sleep did entertain.

Now, it does seem that it should always occur
at the most comfortable hour of the night,
and always in a way that seems to awaken me so.
It crept over me... the suspicion that
I should have just bought one more blanket.


Iced (having absolutely nothing to do with frosting)

On a cold and icy day such as this some might suggest reading up on the latest world news available via campus' attempts at high speed internet access. Others might even cling to the idea that taking some quiet time for self development would be a charming idea, or curling up in a cozy chair off in a secluded corner of a poetically brick lined building with a cup of something might be the current hippy thing to do And naturally, these things could easily fill up a day's worth of seemingly productive activities. Now, I hold no sincere grudge against any of the previously  described pastimes, but I would suggest quite the opposite on a cold and icy day such as this.

But first, a little history... Throwing myself into a new place, last semester, has begun a series of fortunate happenings. God allowed my life of stagnancy to be gutted and measurably displaced by tearing me out of comfort zones, that I had built fortresses upon, in my life. However, in their place, He has begun to do a new work. He's begun to put people into my life that faithfully love and serve Him, with no if's looming or lurking in the far places of their hearts. With new perspectives from new hearts, and Old Stories being restudied, I find myself falling to an even more loving bond with Him and His people. He ship wrecked my life (in such a good way and in His perfect timing), and I dismiss even the thought of ever going back to my old ways again.

So, on this day of being iced in, I refuse to let my desire for stealth hermit living overcome my ability to serve Him and His. Ciao...


A 2nd to the 1st.

You know, it's funny (not so much in the haha laughing way, but more so in the strange ironic-ish way) that I once upon a time started a blog thinking that it would be my first and last, however many a years have passed and i once again see the need and desire for another blogging experience. So with that... I rejoin blogging with a somewhat bandwaggonish chip on my shoulder and a somewhat revived craving to write again.

Unbeknownst (a word here meaning i was never planning on the next part) to me, at the time... there was a first... now, I present a Second Go-Round. Welcome, welcome.

//Archives of days past: www.apoetwrites.blogspot.com//do explore